Drafting Powers of Attorney
A power of attorney, or POA, is a legal document by which one person (called the principal) gives another person (called the agent or the attorney-in-fact) legal authority to act on his or
her behalf.
To create a valid power of attorney, California has few legal requirements.
Either you need a power of attorney to deal with financial matters, a health care power of attorney, a general power of attorney, a limited power of attorney or some other type, we are experienced in drafting a power of attorney to meet your specific need.
Though you may have received a power of attorney from a family member, when you actually have to use that power of attorney, you may be unsure of what to do.
In addition to drafting your power of attorney, we can show you how to sign as power of attorney and what to watch out for.
Because a power of attorney is one of the most important documents you can have, it is important to know whether you want a durable or regular power of attorney